Software Power System Analysis
  • PSS/E. Power Systems Simulator: PTI Program (Power Technologies Inc. Schenectady, New York USA) for simulation of power systems. Includes database system Argentine and Uruguay with a total of about 1600 bars. It also includes dynamic models of generators, excitation systems, speed control and stabilizing resource use in the SADI. The package is available in Version 26 contains the following modules.
    • Cargo flows and graphics
    • Symmetrical and asymmetrical short circuit
    • Transient and dynamic stability
    • Optimal flow
  • I PLAN: Set of programs based on PSS / E for determination of:
    • Factors Node
    • Calculation of Beneficiaries
    • Computation of Energy Not Supplied in a mesh
  • PSS/ADEPT: PTI Program (Power Technologies Inc. Schenectady, New York USA) for system simulation urban and rural distribution. It treats simultaneously three-phase, biphasic and monophasic. It has optimizacón loss routines, location of capacitors, etc.. Plot results automatically load flow and short circuit.
  • EMPT. ATP. Electromagnetic Transients Program: EPRI program for analysis of transients in power systems. It is used for studies of overvoltages during energization and reclosing of lines and transformers. It allows to analyze performance of switches, surge arresters, etc.. It allows to evaluate the likelihood of successful reclose operations for unilateral or tripolar reclosing.
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